Saturday, December 28, 2013

2014 plans

2014 Plans
No new paintings this week but lots of plans for paintings. I intend to do a 30 day challenge and paint a new painting every day for 30 days.  So you will see these in this blog.

I also plan to change my website in January but this will take a while to plan and get it right before I change over. Eventually even my blog will be from the Wordpress site. This will be beneficial to getting new viewers and hopefully selling more paintings.

This year I will be teaching more..Tuesday mornings for a few in my home, at Hennes Drafting and Art Supply in Mansfield : Wednesday evenings for my continueing class 5-7pm of Painting from Photographs, Thursday 10 to 12am for a Watercolor class, and Landscape Secrets 1-3pm. So I have about 10 days to prepare for those as they will start the week of January 5th.

Then there is the Ohio Plein Air Prairie Challenge so hope to get out there with some other artists to paint Ohio prairies for a show at the Springfield Museum in the future.

So lots of work to do and now must put Christmas decorations away. It is going to be 44 degrees today so good time to take down the outside decorations. Cooler and rain tomorrow in this ever changing Ohio weather.
Here are my links to my current websites: This is my print website and all my past paintings.
If you think of someone who might like to follow this blog, please forward to them. Thanks.

Hope you had a marvelous Christmas and wish you the the best New Year ever.

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Gift of Pet Portraits

Gifts of Pets completed yesterday. The dog, Piper, likes to ride in the front of the boat so that is why the background. It probably would have been better as an 8x10 but I wanted them to be a matchiing pair. I could have raised the dog's head a bit but then the horizon line would have been in a strange place so thus it was done. The cat, Pumpkin was put on the black canvas to make her look like she was focusing on something exciting. I hope they like their pet portraits.
Tonight is our family Christmas and most everything is done except for wrapping. I actually sold  two paintings that were shipped and will post after Christmas as I don't want to spoil the surprise. I had printed off the Poinsettia painting on Yupo and used it as a Christmas card.  
. I am looking forward to painting some things I have been wanting to try. I have a Christmas break. Two more days of work at Kingwood before the new year. Then classes start the second week of January . I am seriously thinking of doing a 30 day challenge. A painting everyday for 30 days. I believe I can do it. To prepare ,will go through my pictures and decide what to do for each day. 
 Have a great Holiday!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Paintings for Christmas

Attempting to get Christmas things done. I did get all my cards done and need to send my emails soon. I decided to paint something special for a gardener at Kingwood Center whose name I drew for the exchange. So did this little 5x7 Oil.I wanted a painting that depicted Kingwood and the Perennial Garden inspired me with the Mansion in the distance.
Then decided to print them so everyone who works at Kingwood would get a print for the Christmas Party this week. Then I thought of a few more people who might like to have one also. So now to mat them and frame the oil.

Then I am going to do some acrylics, small on little canvases.
So off to work as tomorrow I have a class in the morning and a party Wednesday noon and a class in the evening. It seems the days are flying by and little time to paint.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas Teddy Bears

Just a cute little Christmas painting of Teddy Bears. These were actually in a bag to go to Goodwill and I forgot the bag. Then decidedto paint them. The large one was actually brown but I thought the family would look better in all white. 8x8 oil. You can buy this in my store at

This next picture is of my Christmas painting for my Christmas card. I had such trouble with all that Holly painting! So I tried watercolor on Yupo and Yea! it worked. So last night I printed my Christmas letter and my cards and today will address them. Then to get some Christmas paintings done! I am running late this year!
Hope you are getting your holiday paintings done, too. I need to get my next newsletter out also. If you want subscribed to it, just write me and put newsletter in the title with your email in the main letter.
You can subscribe to my blog  on this page and for prints and cards of my paintings go to.

Demo Paintings

This is the photo and the value sketch that I used to do my demo last Saturday. As you can see in the value sketch I changed some things to make it a better painting. Then two days before the event I painted the demo and did it in one hour and fifteen minutes. This is the result. 11x14 Oil
 It is not perfect but I worked on it later and corrected a few things.I had the two tall trees the same height and I did not like the bank area and some more detail was needed in the focal point area so this is the corrected painting.
This next painting is the demo I did on Saturday in front of the group. I had premixed my colors and it did take one hour and a half, due to late comers that needed explanation as to what had previously been done and questions. I did work on a few details after I brought the demo home.
I do like this mountain ridge better than the first but overall it works.
Then I came home and did this one! Guess I was just in a painting mood.
The photo is a little dark and needs to be photographed better.