Thursday, February 12, 2015

Rose Mallow #2 demo and studio

I am loving my picture of Guy Dennis's Prairie Pond and the Rose Mallows and chose to paint it as a demo for the Portrait Club of Mid-Ohio last Monday evening. We originally planned it a week ago but the weather was so bad that it was postponed until this past Monday. Incredibly since I had done and 8x10 of it the two weeks before at a class in my home I got this demo done in an hour and 45 minutes! Next month I have another demo talking about plein air painting with another artist who will demo in pastel and I will do the same painting in oil. Time is a factor so we have both chosen to work with this same painting.
The snow and cold has been limiting but I am getting much done. Spent all last week cleaning my studio. I can now find things! All the watercolor things are together, as is the oils, the pastels. This old house doesn't have much closet space so I have to make due with bought sets of drawers, and cupboards.Luckily I have patio doors with North light. I still have some drawers to go through. This is my dining room turned studio.My table has two leaves that pulled out I can get four students around for a class. I have a small round table in my living room that serves as a dining table. I have gone through my bookcases and weeded out a lot of books , art , gardening, etc that will be given away.
Still seems cluttered and I should limit my self to one medium but unable.
At any rate, the next thing to do is work on my websites, and then my newsletter for February. Plus PAINT. Sorry this weather is not inspiring me to plein air paint so I need to get inspired by some photographs!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Rose Mallows and Golden Morning oil demos

These two 8x10 oils were done in my home classes as demos.I do need to photo better but so hard to do with this weather. Snow, snow and cold. Just can't go out on my porch or deck so can't upload to my newsletter or my websites.

I have been taking advantage of being inside and have been cleaning and decluttering. This week it will be the dining room which is my studio. It has stacks of stuff which needs to be sorted. Today I went through my bookcase and weeded out alot of books, including art books. My daughter will get first choice then my art friends, then Goodwill. I feel good about this weeding out and am sure once the studio gets done I will feel more like painting.