Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Daisies, Blue Jars and Geraniums oil paintings

This was the fourth lesson.Again a challenge but I am loving this techniques. Thin blocking in and then thicker paint on top. I am so excited about this that I am going to sign up for her online course, Painting in Province. I have been doing my art journal. It was difficult during the holidays to keep up and the regular journaling has not been done regularly but hope to get back to that as the holidays are mostly over. Will be putting away Christmas Decorations as I want to get back to painting. This painting was given to my good friend Danae. The Sunflowers were given to my three granddaughters.
This was the Fifth Lesson and I love how it turned out. This is a gift for my son and daughter-in-law. I will tell you about the 6th lesson next week and the extra painting. I still have two bonus paintings to do and want to get them done before the France Workshop.

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Friday, December 16, 2016


 The top Sunflower painting was Dreama's painting for the third lesson. It was hard to follow but I am happy with the painting. All three are 8x8 oils. I have really enjoyed this process. I bought some sunflowers after the first painting and did the next two.. The wet background with the transparent paint really works on the Gessoboard, not so much on canvas board. I am anxious to do more flower paintings withthe Ball or Mason Jars.

I have worked on another painting as a gift and cannot show it yet.

This process is exciting and much different than I am used to painting. So much more impressionistic.

Hope you have your holiday shopping almost done. Mine is done. I only have to get some fruit for our Christmas Brunch compote next week. My tree and decorations are up.  I did buy Garth Brooks Christmas Together Album and have been listening to that...of course my CD exchanger on my music system died so had to get a small boombox and that works great.
I have one more Sunday to work at Kingwood Center Gardens and then I am done until April when they open for the season so hope to get lots of painting done..
Will try to get the next blog finished for next week. #sunfloweroilpaintings.
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Monday, December 5, 2016

New Process in my Paintings

This was the first painting of the my new class from Dreama Tolle Perry. It has been a wonderful class full of joy, and inspiration. So......since I seem to have trouble getting to painting, I decided to put this saying on a panel for inspiration.  I used an oil/Gamsol mix as a medium and put juicy colors down over the permanent magic marker, then I added thicker paint on top of the wet painting. Then I did another one.This helped me learn the process of thin transparent wet underpainting and then thick opaque brushwork.
 Then I was ready to do the cupcake. I literally fell in love with this process. It made me crave a cupcake but resisted running to the bakery. So then I practiced another one., my own colors and design. I am so excited about these paintings. I had fully intended to post every week of the six week course but life intervened, plus a computer crash didn't help. I did keep painting each week and will make my posts weekly through the course. Dreama's course is more than a painting course. She encourages meditating, journaling, gives lots of painting tips, and you get continual positive uplifting encouragement. I am really hoping to do her Painting Paris, her next workshop. I will work on each week's post this week and schedule them. I am very behind in posting in my websites and doing my newsletter so am hoping to get those up to date while I am off work from Kingwood Center Gardens. I have two Sundays left to work and then I am off for January, February and March. Of course I will keep painting. I have some beautiful poinsettias to paint and some lovely flower photos that I took before the weather set in. I will also show you some of my art journal pages next time. 32 degrees here in Ohio the past few days. So enjoy until next week.
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