The top Sunflower painting was Dreama's painting for the third lesson. It was hard to follow but I am happy with the painting. All three are 8x8 oils. I have really enjoyed this process. I bought some sunflowers after the first painting and did the next two.. The wet background with the transparent paint really works on the Gessoboard, not so much on canvas board. I am anxious to do more flower paintings withthe Ball or Mason Jars.
I have worked on another painting as a gift and cannot show it yet.
This process is exciting and much different than I am used to painting. So much more impressionistic.
Hope you have your holiday shopping almost done. Mine is done. I only have to get some fruit for our Christmas Brunch compote next week. My tree and decorations are up. I did buy Garth Brooks Christmas Together Album and have been listening to that...of course my CD exchanger on my music system died so had to get a small boombox and that works great.
I have one more Sunday to work at Kingwood Center Gardens and then I am done until April when they open for the season so hope to get lots of painting done..
Will try to get the next blog finished for next week. #sunfloweroilpaintings.
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