2014 Plans
No new paintings this week but lots of plans for paintings. I intend to do a 30 day challenge and paint a new painting every day for 30 days. So you will see these in this blog.
I also plan to change my website in January but this will take a while to plan and get it right before I change over. Eventually even my blog will be from the Wordpress site. This will be beneficial to getting new viewers and hopefully selling more paintings.
This year I will be teaching more..Tuesday mornings for a few in my home, at Hennes Drafting and Art Supply in Mansfield : Wednesday evenings for my continueing class 5-7pm of Painting from Photographs, Thursday 10 to 12am for a Watercolor class, and Landscape Secrets 1-3pm. So I have about 10 days to prepare for those as they will start the week of January 5th.
Then there is the Ohio Plein Air Prairie Challenge so hope to get out there with some other artists to paint Ohio prairies for a show at the Springfield Museum in the future.
So lots of work to do and now must put Christmas decorations away. It is going to be 44 degrees today so good time to take down the outside decorations. Cooler and rain tomorrow in this ever changing Ohio weather.
Here are my links to my current websites:http://www.judyfischerwaltonfineart.weebly.com
http://www.judy-fischer-walton.artistwebsites.com This is my print website and all my past paintings.
If you think of someone who might like to follow this blog, please forward to them. Thanks.
My email:jwalton15@neo.rr.com
Hope you had a marvelous Christmas and wish you the the best New Year ever.
The weather was hot and rainy with biting flies but it was a terrific weekend. On Friday I painted until 11 am, a scene of Lilys and the lake. I was so hot with the heat that I had to take a cold shower and rest a bit. That evening I set up to sell but did not sell anythiing as most people were going to the concert. Then I found out that both my entries to the Katherine Crampton show sold.
Thursday was another hot day but painted in the Pavilion under cover and watched and painted the racing sail boats. That night I sold 2 paintings.
Sunday I painted the boat show, got moved 3 times due to tents being put up and then a large boat was pulled in front of my scene. I did take a photo and then winged it. That afternoon I sold 13 paintings. They were all 8x8 and 8x10, some unframed , some framed. So excited about that. Some of the paintings that sold below. I need to photoshop them, crop, etc.
Thursday was another hot day but painted in the Pavilion under cover and watched and painted the racing sail boats. That night I sold 2 paintings.
Sunday I painted the boat show, got moved 3 times due to tents being put up and then a large boat was pulled in front of my scene. I did take a photo and then winged it. That afternoon I sold 13 paintings. They were all 8x8 and 8x10, some unframed , some framed. So excited about that. Some of the paintings that sold below. I need to photoshop them, crop, etc.
I have learned so much from my online workshops with Johannes Vloothaus. Two years ago I went to this show and sold nothing. This year took a lot of the old paintings and sold them with no frames. Just very exciting.