This is a painting that I have been demonstrating in my Tuesday morning Landscape Secrets class. This original photo was from Johannes Vloothuis's online class. He is doing a free one hour class online this coming Saturday from one to 2pm on how he decides on photographs to do paintings and composition. I will definitely be watching as I have studied with him for almost three years now. If you are interested in this class, send me an email at and I will forward an email where you can sign up for the free class.
My Wednesday night class participants at Henne's Drafting and Art Supply ,are working on their own projects and I am helping by teaching and critiquing. Some students have been with me for almost three years.There has been some interest in a watercolor class and that will most likely start in January.
I am going to do a one hour demo on Landscape Painting Secrets on Dec.7 at Henne's Drafting and Art Supply to spur some interest in the Landscape class at Henne's.
As some of you may know I am following Roos Schuring's Grow Your Art Business project. I have started a Mailchimp account and have asked many for their permission to receive my newsletter, which I hope to have out the beginning of the week. I will have current paintings, art tips, and what gets me excited to start creating. If you are reading this and wish to be on the newsletter list, email me at You can also sign up on this blog to get this blog.
I plan on putting many art lessons on this blog also.
I should have my new website up and running by the time you get the newsletter. Today I will be selecting paintings to go on the site and working on the newsletter.
I have also reduced my prices for my originals on Fine Art America. You can check them out at I will publish my new price list in the new newsletter.
I am so excited about this new project. I love teaching what I have learned in my art experience and hope that many of you benefit from what I can pass to you.
Thanks so much for reading. I sure would like your feedback.