Bing Cherries 5x7 watercolor
This has certainly been a challenge. I have learned a lot. One thing that despite a computer crash, using an iPad , downloading all sorts of apps to get to be able to post, getting used to a used laptop with lots of stuff on it I don't understand, has not prevented me from painting. Nor will it in the future. Although I love my oils, I will do more small watercolors to become more confident.
I am still learning and still have trouble with this post. For some reason the wireless mouse works everywhere but on this post?
Also, I didn't realize that people were commenting on this blog or I could look up statistics. My apologies to those who commented and I promise I will respond to you. I am not very tech savvy and have much to learn.
I will continue to post daily. Perhaps with a work in progress, perhaps with a completed painting.
Tomorrow I will do an online seminar with Johannes Vloothuis, (Oh, it is always so long) but think I may attempt it in watercolor as I have always painted in oil no matter what medium he chose. I am sure I will learn much.
I am grateful for the cold and snowy weather as I was able to spend more time painting and will need to schedule painting time when I go back to work in April. I always thought I had to have a block of time and the inspiration before starting a painting and now I know I need to plan ahead for what I will paint the next day and if I have an small block of time to use it. I am spending a lot of time on the business end of the art, too , as I need to mat and frame some things for the changing show on Monday.
I am hoping to post more about my process. I realize I did not do that with this last 30 days as my time was limited. Welcome new followers. I hope you find this blog instructive and interesting.
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