Monday, December 29, 2014

This year 2014

These two paintings were the ones juried into the Springfield Museum show "Prairies: A Year in the Life. I was pleased to get in two paintings. My work at Kingwood Center is done for the Christmas Season and I have signed up for 30 paintings in 30 days so must get prepared for that. I have several projects lined up. I did do a scene for my daughter and her fiance but forgot to photo it. I will have to do that soon. It has been a good year and I must blog and make my newsletter , update my websites and PAINT more often. Hope your year has been a good one and may 2015 be even better

Friday, December 5, 2014

Prairie Paintings

What ever happened to this year? I cannot believe I have not posted since the end of March. I went to work on April 1 and November was the first month I was off. Now back to work two days a month. I was painting throughout the year for the Ohio Plein Air Society project. Painting prairies was the theme and the first two paintings here were juried into the show "Ohio Prairies, a Year in the Life" at the Springfield Museum of Art, Dec. 6 to February 22,2015.Those titles are "Guy Dennis's Prairie" and "Kingwood Prairie". The third one's title is "Gorman Prairie" and that painting was not juried in. I actually did eleven prairie paintings. I also did agility with my dog and we completed Level 1 in Canine Performance Events and are almost done with Level 2. So something had to go and I guess it was the blog. I also quit doing my newsletter. I did not get any feedback from it and it was very timeconsuming to do it. I did a number of classes and wine and painting classes so it was a fruitful summer. I hope to get back to it all and stay caught up.Life certainly gets in the way of the best laid plans!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ohio Plein Air Society Annual Meeting

Went to the Ohio Plein Air Society annual meeting on Saturday March 29. The first Speaker was John Blakeman a prairie expert who spoke extensively about Ohio Prairies. It was a very informative talk with slides. Ohio Plein Air Society is working on a a year long prairie exhibition and I can hardly wait to go to one of the prairies and paint.
 The second speaker was Artist John Cosby who had a fascinating program about controlling the viewer's eye. I did take notes and will add some of this information in my newsletter.

I start to work at Kingwood Center on Tuesday April 1st so have been really organizing my home and studio to prepare.


I lost my sweet Husky/Malamute to age this past week and that was difficult. He was such a faithful companion. I will continue to work with my Aussie Rescue, Tosca, in agility.

So instead of painting I have been cleaning up my Fine Art America website, painting over old paintings,framing paintings, cleaning out closets, recycling items, trashing items and generally cleaning up so I can schedule painting time.

I have some paintings to go on the 7th to the local cafe and at least one for the Mansfield Art Center

Perhaps this week I can frame a few more.  Have a great week and I hope to get this blog out twice a week in the future.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Blue Poppy, Provence Paintings

Provence 7.5x10 watercolor/pastel
This painting will probably be entered into the May Show at Mansfield Art Center

Popping Blue 16x20 Acrylic
This painting will be used for the Spirited Painting Party May 19 6-9. The price is $35 and all supplies will be furnished. Snack and wine can be brought by participants. It is a fun time and must be reserved by May 17.

Classes at Henne's and my home are suspended until May.

Prints and cards can  be found at

You can message me at Judy Fischer Walton on Facebook are leave me a message on this site. I publish a newsletter monthly with new paintings , art tips and lessons and would love to add you.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

New York Central Park watercolor and pastel

NY Central Park 12x16 watercolor/pastel

This was done on Saturday March 8. I have used pastel on watercolor before but not in this fashion and I love the effects. This is large for me but I do think I will frame it.I may work on it some more as the lines do not look straight but it may be the photo and not the painting. I do think I would like to attempt it in oils, also.
I am so looking forward to nicer weather so I can get out into the light and photo better.
Morning Glow 9x12 watercolor

This painting sold this week and I also have two pet portrait commissions, so will be working on those.

Last evening we had another Spirited Painting Party. We had some no shows but went ahead with the three who showed up. We had a great time and hope to have many more of these at Henne's Drafting and Art Supply. 419-522-4401. We have done these for private parties in their homes or larger facilities. I will be working on some new paintings to do for this.

You can sign up for my newsletter, which has new paintings, painting tips  lessons and information about
You can check out my website at and if you are interested in prints and cards you can go to
Thanks for reading my blog. Feel free to sign up to get it regularly to the right side of this and pass it on to others.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Wyoming River Oil

Wyoming River 11x14 Oil
Painted this on Saturday March 1st  Spent most of the day doing it. In looking at it now I feel that mountain looks so solitary so I may add more mountain area  to the left.

March 1st there was an event at Richland Academy where a number of artists set up their work for people to buy. I sold two paintings. Morniing Bales and Shawshank Tree in Summer.
Summer Bales 8x10 Oil
Shawshank Tree in Summer 8x10 Oil

I am hoping that this is the last  very cold day. Eleven degrees today. I want to photograph my paintings better..
This weekend I have a horrible sore throat and cough. My son brought me a new computer and I have not felt like loading it with the needed apps. Perhaps tomorrow I will feel better and paint.I have spent quite a few days working on other watercolor paintings.that haven't gone very well.

I am workimg on my newsletter and my website.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Grazing watercolor with sheep, 7x9

Grazing 7x9 watercolor

Attempted this yesterday and had to use some Tom Lynch rescue techniques to make it work. Still not happy with it and see some corrections from this photo. Tried to use the iPhoto to do the crop but the laptop won't pick up that picture. I have plans to do the same painting in a different mannor. May do an oil later, also. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

New paintings, and Sold paintings, Lily Pads, Peacock.

 Had lunch with two friends who bought these two painings. We had a great lunch and talked about our summer jobs.

Roaring Water 11x14 Oil
Worked some more on this yesterday. Changed a lot of rocks Warmed up the rocks, worked on the island.. I actually worked on it later and didn't photo the latest update.

Morning Glow 9x12 Watercolor
I was fascinatred by the light in this photo. Quite a lot of planning went into this, deciding what colors to use in the trees, the pink snow. I am pleased the way it turned out.

Sundown 7x9 Watercolor

I am fascinated by the light in this photo also. I trhink I may need to work on the shap of the sun tomorrow. This weekend I need to frame and get seven paintings ready for a Sale the First of March. Also need to add paintings to my website.

Also need to upload some paintings to my print website

And.....start working on my newsletter and plan another painting for tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Roaring water 11x14 oil and Evening Sails 9x12 watercolor

Evening sails 9x12 watercolor
I have read Brian Tracy's Eat That Frog. So finally had to eat the frog (the waterfall) today. The theory: if you have to eat a frog do it first or you fret about it all day and I have fretted days.

11x14 Roaring Water Oil
I just had a very hard time getting to the oil waterfall  and did the watercolor of sail boats just to get me out of the slump.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Still working on the Mountain Waterfall scene

Still working on this 11x14. I think I am not as enchanted as I was. Maybe will do a little watercolor to get me back in the flow. It has also been very cold sitting by the sliding glass doors where I work.
Not two good a photo, but this is the framed lily pads that are sold. The fluorescent lights at the the frame store do not show the warmth of the mats. Hope my customer likes it.
I am still working on the newsletter and my website. I want to get the website up to date before I send the newsletter out.
I have found a nice website you might like It is a nice site that is free right now that photographers post pictures that are free that you can use. There is a monthly contest to paint from a select number of photographs, also. I found some great photos that I may use.

I am spending way too much time on the computer and need to organize my time better for when I go back to work. I was doing so well until the computer crashed and then I really got off to paint!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

This is how far I have progressed on this painting. I did not paint yesterday as I was working on income tax, adding to my website and working on my newsletter that I hope is completed today. All classes were cancelled the last two weeks due to the weather, extreme cold or lots of snow. Hopefully tonight we can begin again. After doing the 30 day challenge I need to look up some more photos to get inspired to paint. I am tired of snow and cold so will probably pick something spring-like. When I go to the grocery I will get some vegetables and fruit for some watercolors. Of the 30 paintings, three sold and they were all watercolors.
Bing Cherries went to California
 Bing Cherries 5x7 watercolor
Lily Pads 9x12 watercolor

Precious 9x12 watercolor    

Both of these went to local people. I am going to try very hard to paint everyday.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

A good start yesterday. I attempted to follow Johannes while he was using pan pastels. I could not keep up , trying to mix colors and listen to him, so I did quit and just listened. Will work on it tomorrow. This is an 11x14. Then my son came and we worked on cleaning up the computer and teaching me to keep it clean. Then watched some of the Olympics, which I did also today. Also worked on my taxes and read a lot of a book my son is writing, which is exceptional!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Tabby Cat

Fixed that hard line on the left below his face, thanks to a remark from a friend. Much happier with this painting now.
Thanks to my son, my laptop is now free of those virus/bar control things and it is so much easier to post. Now I can get back to my newsletter, painting , etc.And thus, post my blog everyday. And best of all can post new paintings on my website which hasn't been done since the computer crash.
Today I will also be doing a paintalong with Johannes Vloothuis so I need to get my board ready. He will be doing a pastel, I believe but I will be doing an oil. My palette is a mess so that needs cleaned up and some clove oil added to my Palette Garage as I noticed the paints are getting hard, so that needs cleaned up and replenished before I can paint.
It is seven degrees here! Hard to even think about Plein Air Painting. I did get my copy of Plein Air yesterday and have been reading the articles and that
I will be back posting about how I start paintings, what inspires me and the process.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hollyhocks and Purple Martins

Hollyhocks and Purple Martins

Added Purple Martins to this painting. Gives more real interest to the painting.
Fixed TABBY cat's mouth. Much better.
This painting, Canyon River needed the back rock set down in the water as it looked like it was floating. So all fixed.   Snowing again! Was nine degrees this morning.will Plein Air Painting ever get done this year? Been working on income tax, finances and continued frustration with laptop. Non-techie me downloaded some virus things and I cannot get online. Just with my iPad.I have to wait on my son. Or maybe have to go get it repaired.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Matted and framed all day

Matted and framed for hanging tomorrow at Cafe on MainSpent the whole day matting, framing, making business cards and the paperwork. I have sold three paintings that I did in the 30 paintings in 30 days. All watercolors! Guess I ought to keep painting watercolors. So tomorrow back to painting after I hand paintings in the morning. I think I should go to the grocery and buy some fruits and vegetables to paint! I really want to spend some more time with the negative painting. Especially with some acrylics.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Sedona Courtyard when it was just a watercolor

About 6 hours of work to do this. trying to follow along with Johannes Vloothuis.In his paintalong.I wish I would have done the drawing better but I ran out of time. He totally wears me out. Wish I would have done it in Oil.I feel in more in control with oil. But guess I was getting out of my old box.I had some things I couldn't fix in watercolor and Johannes was showing how to fix it with pastel  Tomorrow I must take time to to frame and get ready for a change of paintings at the Cafe on Main. I want to work on my website next and then my newsletter.           

Friday, January 31, 2014

#30 of the 30 Day challenge

Bing Cherries 5x7 watercolor

This has certainly been a challenge. I have learned a lot. One thing that despite a computer crash, using an iPad , downloading all sorts of apps to get to be able to post, getting used to a used laptop with lots of stuff on it I don't understand, has not prevented me from painting. Nor will it in the future. Although I love my oils, I will do more small watercolors to become more confident.
I am still learning and still have trouble with this post. For some reason the wireless mouse works everywhere but on this post?
Also, I didn't realize that people were commenting on this blog or I could look up statistics. My apologies to those who commented and I promise I will respond to you. I am not very tech savvy and have much to learn.
I will continue to post daily. Perhaps with a work in progress, perhaps with a completed painting.
Tomorrow I will do an online seminar with Johannes Vloothuis, (Oh, it is always so long) but think I may attempt it in watercolor as I have always painted in oil no matter what medium he chose. I am sure I will learn much.
I am grateful for the cold and snowy weather as I was able to spend more time painting and will need to schedule painting time when I go back to work in April. I always thought I had to have a block of time and the inspiration before starting a painting and now I know I need to plan ahead for what I will paint the next day and if I have an small block of time to use it. I am spending a lot of time on the business end of the art, too , as I need to mat and frame some things for the changing show on Monday.
I am hoping to post more about my process. I realize I did not do that with this last 30 days as my time was limited. Welcome new followers. I hope you find this blog instructive and interesting.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hollyhocks and Birdhouse 8x10 Oil

Just a little inspiration after all this cold and snow. I do think I will add some birds when it is drier. this was done on a Fredrick's paint board. Very smooth and the paint does not soak in. This is #29. One more to go, but really think I will paint every day. Maybe not complete a painting but work on one everyday. The 30 day challenge has proven to me that I can accomplish a lot if I put my mind to it. I need to have some plans, some photos ready, canvases, paper ready, clean palette and JUST DO IT!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

30 Paintings in 30 days

Roses 9x5 Mixed Media

Zinnias 9x5 Mixed media

Need to rephoto the last one as it was apparently still wet. These were originally watercolors that went bad, overworked, interrupted and generally not up to par. I covered them with acrylic on top and they are not the best but I am up to date. Maybe will do two today so I am ahead of the game. I think I should try to paint every day in February as I am learning what I like as far as medium. Oil is my first choice, watercolor next,then acrylic. I do like pastels but I don't have room for them to be out and I feel I should perfect the medium of choice although it is always good to experiment with new materials.I have really liked experimenting with the negative painting in Linda Kemp's book, but am not too good at it and thus the acrylic overlay of these paintings.
Now that I have the laptop and have mostly figured it out I will be doing my newsletter and posting new paintings at my website

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

30 paintings in 30 days #26

I actuallyThink that I may be two behind..Between my computer crashing and setting up a used laptop and the cold weather causing everyone to stay home and use the internet, I am spending so much time on the business side of art instead of painting . The  iPad is frustrating and hard to type on and the laptop doesn't take my pictures. It is nine below here in Mansfield Ohio! Hope everyone is keeping warm.


 Tabby Cat 9x5 watercolor

Monday, January 27, 2014

30 paintings in 30 days

I can't keep track of the numbers!
                                                                                 Canyon Falls 11x14 OilThis was mostly done with e Zorn palette in a paint along with my favorite teacher! Johannes Vloothuis. Took me most of Saturday and a little of Sunday . So I am behind  one. Must get busy today

Friday, January 24, 2014

30 paintings in 30 days #23

Rainbow Sail 9x12 watercolor

I think this will photograph better when I. Can do it outside. I was a little tight on this one. .too coloring book on the sailboats but I  am really enjoying the watercolors.
I hope to get a laptop tonight and then can update my website, write my newsletter . Yea!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

30 paintings in 30 days #22

Precious the Peacock 9x12 watercolor

The Kingwood Center's blue shouldered Peacock.
What a challenge to get the colors right. I pulled out  every blue I had! Amazing how so many colors are the same with a different name. Antwerp,Peacock,Thalo,Turquoise, Manganese, Cerulean all seem to be variations on a theme. I know they have different qualities such as transparencies, or sediments, and I could not tell you what is what in  the painting as I  used all of them, clean and mixed..a very interesting experiment in blues.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

30 paintings in 30 days #21

                                          Memories 5x7 watercolor.
It is so much harder to post on the iPad. Can't wait to get a new laptop. This painting reminds me of long ago, carefree days just swinging and dreaming.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

30 paintings in 30 days

Everyone  knows how I love Kingwood center.
This is the entry to the greenhouse. A 9x12 watercolor. I will be so glad when I get my new computer. I miss Photoshop. 
I can't do the news letter on my iPad...and need a styles to keep from making so many typing errors!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

30 paintings in 30 days

Yesterday", painting an acrylic 9x12  CONEFLOWER and today',s watercolors, 9x12’ Best Water there Is, and Mohican Hills
still having problems learning to do this on iPad.The computer is still in a comaAnd I am now caught up!